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You have spent years planting the seeds of a high school education. You have watched it grow and seen your children thrive under your watchful care. Now is the time to gather the harvest and create homeschool records that demonstrate the sum of all your hard work. We celebrate Thanksgiving yearly, thankful for a bountiful harvest and blessings from God. Now is the time to celebrate with a Harvest Party!
Choose a convenient day!
Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 11AM Pacific ~ or ~ Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1PM Pacific
It can be easy for homeschool parents to doubt themselves, but believe it or not, your humble little homeschool can compete with anybody! Your student CAN gain college admission and win big scholarships.
How, you ask? Because you can offer something MORE desirable than perfect SAT®/ACT® scores and a dozen AP® classes. In fact, there is something SO basic about your quirky little homeschool and yet SO IMPORTANT to colleges. You probably wouldn't guess that in a thousand years! Almost every homeschool family I've met has "got it" in abundance, however very few know how to communicate it effectively.
Come to my free class and discover the secret recipe! Make a comprehensive homeschool record that captures your homeschool education in a way that stands out from the crowd and gets your student noticed. Course descriptions are key and can make all the difference for college acceptance!
Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 11AM Pacific ~ or ~ Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1PM Pacific
Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 11AM Pacific ~ or ~ Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1PM Pacific
Would you like some help cooking up your course descriptions and transcripts? My Course Description Harvest Party will lighten your load. Plus, this class is low-fat, gluten-free, calorie-free, but still guaranteed to taste scrumptious! Discover how putting together a knockout comprehensive record is like planning and cooking a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner.
- The "appetizer" will whet colleges' appetites to learn more about your student.
- The "main course" will convince them that your student has had a top notch education that stands out from the competition.
- The "dessert" will fill in the picture and satisfy their questions.
- The "coffee or tea" will give them a warm and pleasant picture of your student.
- Finally, the "after dinner mint" will leave them fully satisfied.
I hope you will join me! I think you will find my presentation very encouraging!
Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 11AM Pacific ~ or ~ Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1PM Pacific
In addition, webinar attendees will receive a link to a free, downloadable workbook to keep notes in, plus a bonus: FREE Record-Keeping Samples, including a sample transcript by subject and by year, sample course description, and sample reading list, all in one downloadable PDF to save!
Join me for my free class, and I'll help you cook up some delicious course descriptions. Cooking is always better together! See you in class!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Galatians 6:9
Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 11AM Pacific ~ or ~ Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1PM Pacific