I can't really do a lot of "consulting" on Facebook, but sometimes I can help in a moment of panic, and provide a quick tip!

Jeannine wrote on my Facebook wall "HELP!!!!! What do you consider an honors course to be? I am putting together David's transcript and am not sure if I should leave that category on the grade criteria. Also Lee, what about listing his time in Boy Scouts and his making Eagle? Do I just list the Eagle with the date or do I list that he was in Scouts all four years of HS?"

I'm here, I'm here! No need to panic! OK - Honors= more than high school level. Anything taken that was AP/CLEP/Community college can be considered Honors. Just put "Honors" before the title of the class. Boy Scouts - usually you can count that as PE, 1 credit, 4 years - often you can specify what KIND of PE, by saying something like "PE: Outdoor Survival Training" or something else cool-sounding. You put the Boy Scouts in the Activity section and indicate when he made eagle scout. These blog posts will help:

Jeannine went on to ask - "In the article on Boy Scouts you say that it is worth 1 credit of PE each year. Are you saying that he should get 4 credits of PE? I do realize that you said that Boy Scout parents will try to cut down the number of credits so that may just be what I am doing."

If you do the hiking/camping thing, it's usually PLENTY for a credit of PE each year, but I wouldn't give TWO PE credits each year.

Jeannine - ‎Lee Binz You are a life saver as always!!!!! I don't know what I would do without you to keep me from losing my mind over this (okay maybe not losing my mind because you have to have something before you can lose it :)). I am sending you a HUGE cross country hug {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{LEE}}}}}}}}}
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