Right now, I'm guessing that your focus is essential writing skills for high school. Once your child can write reasonably well, your next worry is a simple one. Make sure they have the essential writing skills for college and career.

writing skills for college

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Essential Writing Skills for College and Beyond

I have a book recommendation for you! Check out Essential Writing Skills for College and Beyond by C. M. Gill. Let me explain what I like about this book.

She understands learning styles

In the very beginning of the books, she starts by explaining how different people might use different strategies for brain-storming a writing project. Brilliant! Why didn't I think about that?

Learning Styles

She uses graphs to explain

Look at this, how she gives a graphic representation of how much of a paragraph should be devoted to the intro, body, and explanations of a paragraph. I do better when I can SEE what she means, because I'm a visual learner. But she does an equally great job of explaining in words how to do it.

writing skills for college

She explains the college tone

Scholars don't write like teenagers, can we all just agree on that? This book gives many examples for how to sound scholarly in a college paper, without being boring with a paper full of the passive tense.

Writing skills for college

She gives examples

She includes many good and bad examples and charts that clearly explain what to do. And the pages are well-designed to make it easy to read.

She understands teenagers

I love her section titled, "Strategies to alienate, frustrate, and annoy your reader." She says, "If your goal is to ensure your essay will not pass and to make your work seem lazy and sloppy, try the following strategies." I have to say, that made me laugh out loud! And it's a VERY effective strategy to use with teens.

Writing skills for college

College Readiness and Study Skills

This is an academic book. It's not light reading, and it's not curriculum with instruction. You don't want to cuddle up with it before drifting off to sleep. That's not the point of this book. This book would be helpful for a senior to read before heading to college. This book could become part of a class on college readiness, or study skills. Your high school class might include test preparation and college applications during the first half of the year. Then as the year continues, make the switch to preparing for the academic work of college.

Teach your children to write in high school. Then teach them essential writing skills they will need for college and beyond.

writing skills for college

