A current trend in college applications now is for student to self-report everything and be admitted based on the facts the student gives on the application. Self-reported grades, GPA, test scores, etc. After the student is admitted, the college receives the official documents: transcript, course descriptions, tests scores, etc. Then they will reject any student that lies. So, wow. That's an unusual change!

Your child's self-reported transcript needs to be as complete and descriptive as possible. Learn how to put homeschool activities on the homeschool transcript with my free ebook. Sign up to instantly download, How to Put Fabulous Fun on Your Homeschool Transcript: Convert Natural Learning into High School Credit.

This strategy of self-reporting is something that colleges are using to increase the number of applicants they receive.


They want to reduce the work it requires to admit applicants.


Self-reporting makes admissions easier. It's hard to get all the documentation needed when you apply to college. Official transcripts and official test scores take time and effort.

Self-reporting makes admissions cheaper. It's expensive to get all the documentation needed to apply. Sending an official transcript from a high school can cost money for each transcript. Sending test scores require money to submit each score to each college. Financially it can really add up.

What should a homeschool parent do?

Have your student apply to colleges where you and your student would like them to attend. Complete the application as required, whether that is self-reporting or not. For maximum scholarships, I do recommend that you submit course descriptions with the application. You might explain, "I know that each homeschool is unique, and I thought you might find it helpful to see what our homeschool has been like."

Submit test scores and official transcript when required, providing an updated version.

The Comprehensive Record Solution will help you with ALL your homeschool records: transcripts, course descriptions, reading list, activity list, letter of recommendation, resume, etc. It comes with 4 pages of document reviews by me, via email. When you purchase The Comprehensive Record Solution, you get The Total Transcript Solution FREE, so it's a much better value. 

Be sure to learn more about this trend in self-reporting, because I'm seeing it more and more.