I have a confession to make! I actually used my own Homeschool Comprehensive Records last month!

The Comprehensive Record Solution is the cure for #homeschool CRS! @TheHomeScholar

It's true! My son Kevin is headed to graduate school, and he needed to know his immunization records. Since that is required by Washington State Homeschool law, that was a part of my Comprehensive Homeschool Records. I opened my binder, quickly found the immunization records, made a copy, and emailed it to my son. Presto! Crisis averted!

And then it struck me! My son is 25, and I haven't homeschooled for ages, but my Comprehensive Homeschool Records are still helping me! Normally I can't remember squat, and I was so thankful my homeschool records saved my bacon.

If you suffer from The Heartbreak of Homeschool CRS* and you are unable to prepare your homeschool records because you "Can't Remember Squat" about your homeschool, let me help.

Learn about The Comprehensive Record Solution
Free Webinar: Homeschool Records That Open Doors

*CRS: Can't Remember Squat