Making a transcript isn't so hard....  Well....  Until it gets complicated, LOL!  Renee asked a question about how to put foreign language on the high school transcript when classes were taken at a community colleges.


I am watching your DVD's for high school.  Question about college classes.

My son took Elementary German 1 @ a college first semester

Now, 2nd semester, he is taking Elementary German 2

So - in high school credits - would those classes each receive a credit, or would it be 1 credit
adding these two together, because it took 1 year to complete both.  In other words:

Elem  German 1 - 1 credit

Elem  German 2 - 1 credit


Elem German 1 & 2 - 1 credit

Thanks for your help.


This is what I would suggest for Renee:

Elem  German 1 - 1 credit

Elem  German 2 - 1 credit

Use the exact grade the college gave him.  A 3.7 is still a 3.7.  Each whole college class is a whole high school. credit.

I would use the college class titles, and indicate the community college where he took the class.  So for example:
*HCC Ger 101: Elem  German 1 - 1 credit *HCC Ger 102: Elem  German 2 - 1 credit

At the bottom of the transcript, define the acronym for your college:
*HCC is Highline Community College

In community college, it's possible to get three high school credits of a foreign language during senior year if they take three quarters of foreign language in a community college.  That's one way to catch up on necessary classes when something big is missing.

I hope that helps!  If you are working on your transcript, you can get more information on the Total Transcript Solution.  Then if you still have questions, you'll be able to call me directly and we can discuss it!

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