~ A word from our founder, The HomeScholar Emeritus, Lee Binz ~
Chapter 1
The Love for Your Child Will Ensure Success
Sometimes I meet parents who are looking for the specific key to homeschool success. Unfortunately, no-fail formulas don't work for everyone, but there is one foundational guideline my midwife gave me the day my eldest son was born, which comes close. She handed me my baby and gave me the only advice I needed, "Know your child and trust yourself."
One day while I was getting my hair done, I overheard two moms talking about their children in public school. One of the moms was describing how her child did not succeed in a Pre-Algebra class because it was too hard for him, but the public school insisted that he move on to Algebra 1. She didn't think it was a good idea, but the school wouldn't let him retake Pre-Algebra. They didn't want him to be left behind.
She asked her son how it was going during the first weeks of Algebra 1, and he said that he was lost, had no clue what was going on, and that he was going to fail. Two weeks into the quarter, she learned that the school had accidentally signed up her son for a Calculus class. Instead of taking and failing Algebra, he was taking and failing Calculus!
As homeschool parents, we're not perfect, but there's no way to make this mistake in our homeschools! We know our children and what they are capable of, so there's no way we'd skip through three levels of math and put them in a class way over their heads.
If you don't do a good job preparing your child, you might be financially responsible for them for the rest of your life! More importantly, you also have a huge emotional investment in their success, because you want them to do well. High school guidance counselors work to the best of their abilities, but they don't know each child. You don't need to feel hesitant about your own abilities or feel that your child needs an official guidance counselor. You are what's needed; you're the best person for the job.
Homeschooling high school has so many advantages for a student that sometimes it's hard to see why anyone would choose anything else! The first thing most people recognize is high academic performance. It's true; homeschoolers have higher academic achievement levels than their non-homeschooled peers, no matter the parent's education level. Statistically, parents who do not have high school diplomas are almost as effective at educating their children as parents with doctoral degrees. In addition, homeschoolers have better academic preparation regardless of how much or how little the state intervenes. When you homeschool, your child can be fully educated, whether you use an outside educational program or put the curriculum together yourself.
Homeschooling is the best learning environment for a child. It is safe and secure. You don't have to worry about your child's physical safety, socialization, or negative feedback about their ability levels. Instead, they'll be stronger individuals, who will learn more without being distracted by other things. The socialization homeschoolers experience is the socialization of the whole world.
When you're homeschooling, your children have a lot of time to explore their interests. They are not locked onto a certain path based on whether they're mathematically or artistically inclined. Instead, through trial and error, they can explore a wide variety of interests to find out what they'd like to pursue after they graduate. The time and space available through homeschooling gives students room to explore and experiment. That is what I call the homeschool advantage!
Learn more about Keys to High School Success in my video review below!