Military academies. The uncomplicated thing concerning getting in is to be a homeschooler. The complicated part with regards to getting in, is everything else!


The military academy candidates looking for admission have to get a nomination, in most cases through a congressman. When was the last time you talked to your representative? Sally and I happen to be chatting concerning her son’s application to a military academy, and she has verified their admission requirements again.
The things you have suggested are right on for what we are trying to do. We are finding that having a high school sport is pretty important as well as physical fitness. Grades and awesome test scores are also important. And finally, leadership is utmost. There has to be proof of the student’s leadership, like team captain, community service, teaching others, etc. The umpiring that my boys did is really good.

Another thing we are finding is that with the economy as it is, the number of military ROTC and academy applicants is doubling and tripling…. very competitive. But as you said, it is great to be homeschooled as long as you have the above characteristics. AND get the paperwork in EARLY!!! Oh, and you were right on with your advice on Foreign Language. They want to see Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, or Persian. We went for Arabic.

~ Sally in Washington

The military academies want “evidence” regarding athletics just like they want evidence of of leadership. One particular recruiter explained to me that physical fitness proof does not necessarily mean ONLY high school athletics. It can mean running timed races, biking on the Seattle to Portland race, signing up for a running club or biking club. A 5K can be an fantastic example of demonstrating physical fitness. Just about any measurable physical fitness, really. Very much like leadership is measurable in the event that your children were umpires, like Sally’s. One of the most effective methods to document your homeschool that is certain to get the colleges to take notice is with comprehensive homeschool records.


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