Determining just how much theater comprises a high school credit is hard. The broad idea for almost all classes is 5 hours a week for a full year of school, which means you can easily determine if that’s an adequate amount of for a credit or perhaps for a half credit. There’s no real “absolute” right and wrong option.

I like right-and-wrong math questions, therefore I never felt genuinely at ease estimating on credit value. I generally did the “5 hours per week” rule. If perhaps it’s less complicated, you could total all of the hours together to figure out the credit value. The majority of books suggest that 120-180 hours is a credit. Given that quite often performance week in theater can add an easy 40 hours, you could have an less difficult time simply holding out until you have the total before you determine what number of high school credits it’s worth.

Don’t forget that colleges are only looking for 1 credit of fine arts; and fine arts are a combination of music, art, theater and dance. If you feel it’s enough, that’s great. Otherwise, look into additional supplements to make up the difference.


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