When you see your child's test score, in your heart of hearts you may wonder why the score wasn't higher. Is it possible for your student to study, try again, and achieve a higher score next time? Perhaps, but let's consider some other ideas here too.
Some kids simply don't test well, and it has nothing to do with their character, intelligence, or ability to succeed in life! Let me explain six problems with standardized tests, and I'd love for you to leave a comment with anything you can add.
1. The problem with tests is that they don't measure what is REALLY important. Qualities NOT Measured by Tests [Printable Poster].
2. The problem with tests is that there will always be some kids who score better than others, no matter how well they do. If you compare your child to another, someone will always come up holding the short straw, and that's not fair to anyone. Homeschooling at Peace Inside the Bell-Shaped Curve.
3. The problem with tests is that they measure what a child does NOT know, but doesn't measure what the child DOES know. It may show a child doesn't know how to spell "opaque" but may not show the child can spell the synonyms "translucent, obscure, mysterious, perplexing, mystifying, unfathomable, incomprehensible, unintelligible, enigmatic, and cryptic."
4. The problem with tests is that they can distract parents and teens from what is truly important for long term success in life: general core education and work ethic. Literacy allows your child to learn anything they need to know in the future. A test score can't do that.
5. The problem with tests is that they don't always reflect what a student knows if that student isn't good at taking tests. Learning challenges, dyslexia, dysgraphia, anxiety, ADHD, etc., will all skew the results of measuring knowledge or ability, because they make it hard to perform in a timed, fill-in-the-bubble format.
6. The problem with tests is that they don't measure mastery of material. They provide a snapshot of some skills, not a landscape of learning.
If you are having trouble getting your mind around standardized tests in your homeschool, I can help. Through my Gold Care Club, I can help you get a handle on how to study and prepare your child for the tests and walk you through what to expect. I can even help you figure out if the ACT® or SAT® might be a better option for your child. Check out the Gold Care Club and see if that might be an option that would help you!
Your normal, natural homeschool can be successful when you cover core literacy, and find a way for your child to succeed to the best of their ability in the college admission tests. Have you tried cookies yet?