A college admission interview is a great opportunity to learn the adult skill of interviewing for a job. Perfect for college bound or non-college bound kids, teach your children these simple tips to success in a college admission interview.
12 Ways to Prepare Yourself
Accept the interview request immediately.
Review your comprehensive homeschool records.
Think about what questions you want to ask.
Make a list of what you want to say about yourself.
Review your application and essay.
Consider any situation you need to explain.
Describe how you will make the college stronger.
Have goals ready for AFTER college.
Think of you will convince them you will.
Stay on campus.
Plan to graduate in 4 years.
Earn a good GPA.
Be active on campus.
13 Practice Questions
Why are you interested in this college?
What will you contribute to our college community?
What high school courses have you enjoyed the most?
What is the most important thing you've learned in high school?
How do you define "success?"
What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
How would you describe your biggest achievement?
What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
What is your opinion on (insert current event here)?
If you could talk to one person (living or dead) who would it be and why?
How do you spend your summer?
What do you expect to be doing 5 years from now?
6 Helpful Be—Attitudes
Be genuine—really who you are, not pretending or stretching the truth.
Be engaged—pay attention to the person speaking to you.
Be assertive—everyone is in the same boat, so demonstrate confidence.
Be interested—ask questions about the college, programs, and activities.
Be polite—dress conservatively and speak politely to everyone.
Be thankful—write a thank you note, both by email and postal service.
14 "Don't Do" Tips
Don't look at the clock.
Don't look at your phone.
Don't be late.
Don't be arrogant or boast.
Don't lie, because they can figure that out.
Don't respond with only yes or no answers.
Don't tell the school they are not your first choice.
Don't memorize a prepared speech.
Don't ask questions covered by the college catalog.
Don't chew gum.
Don't wear lots of cologne or perfume.
Don't swear or use too much slang.
Don't be rude to the receptionist or staff.
Don't bring a parent into the interview.
Do you have any additional tips to add to this list?